Hello! I am Kashif Moore

I am currently an Interdisciplinary Education in the Arts Student at UIC. I am a multidisciplinary artist that specializes in Illustration and Graphic Design.

I love manga, video games and train rides!

IDEA 410

Tiffany Funk

Updated Capstone Proposal 

We (CO)Exist Here 

Updated Proposal: We Exist is the exploration of the African Diaspora through a multi-media project. The Capstone (WIP) will delve into the artistic sensibilities of Afro Futurism. How do we exist in the realm of fantasy? How do we detach ourselves from our colonial past? These are questions I would like to continue to explore through my art.  

I would like to create a story using illustrations.   

A series of paintings/ illustrations that fuse Afrocentric sensibilities into the realm of Eurocentrism.  

Medium: Pen, Ink, Gouache, Watercolor Paper, Acrylic  


“We filled the sky with sulfur. We hid the sun. “ 

“We created these “Servants” to aid humanity in their quest for ecological stability. Over time we relied on their efforts to create sustainable living conditions on our blue planet. They were not regarded as human and often were disposed of after use.  

We modeled them after an ancient race of people that could absorb and transmute solar energy. These “Servants” helped to stabilize a disaster of our own our making. “ 

Out of fear we began a mass disposal of these “Servants”. 

“Unbeknownst to us there was evil lurking in the darkness. “ 

“How foolish we were.” 

Dr. Mela, N 

Capstone Work in Progress 2023

Updated Timeline 2023-2024 Capstone 

Dec 14-28 

Draw and design characters and outline story. 

Draft outlines and proposal for paintings. 

January 1-14 

Preliminary drawings, color palettes and digital proofs should be assembled. 

January 16-28 

Digital proofs should be completed in Procreate. 5-6 paintings should be completed. 

Color palettes, character design, and acquisition of materials. 

February 1-8 

Research shows and rental spaces for gallery showing. 

Assess the costs of rental (potentially) and cost of prints, materials, etc. 

February 14-28 

Continue to explore ideas and materials to incorporate into the project. 

March 1-7 

Paintings should be around 70 percent complete.  

Short story, paintings and materials should be almost solidified. 

March 8-30 

Start thinking about placement of paintings and materials in a physical space. 

Reach out to local venues/ call for favors/ etc. 

April 1 

All materials should be completed and documented.  

April begins the promo of the event!  

Don’t allow the lack of skill hinder, your imagination

This is one of my biggest inspirations!
